Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You were there.

I heard an amazing statement while listening to a sermon in my Text and Traditions class and it was something along the lines of "Until we understand the nature of who Jesus was, we wont know where to find him". This sermon was based on the story of when Jesus was at the temple and his parents were looking for him all over Jerusalem and the last place they finally looked was the Temple and that was where Jesus was.

I find that this is message profound because a lot of the time I don't know where to find Jesus and in that sense don't know where to find that sense of connection connection with him. But when we look in the scriptures we can learn that our bodies are temples of the holy sprit. And when I finally understood that I learnt that in reality the place where Jesus was, was at the temple as the holy spirit (which is apart of the trinity of God which is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit).

I guess in this short but powerful revelation, we can look everywhere for Jesus and question where He is in our world, but until we understand the nature of who God is we wont understand that He dwells within us as the Holy Spirit. And that He has always been with us. In that sense when we understand the nature of who God is, we can understand furthermore how amazing grace is and how He continues to bless abundantly.

"God loves us the same before and after sin, and even while where sinning" - Jon Tran

"He was there"


*Note: I editted it because of people noticing my lack of vocabulary. I hope your happy now.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

But I Did!

The past few weeks have been simply hectic especially with school and the many SACS they throw at me. And thats to be expected of since I am in year 12 this year. With the piling amount of stress that I have been overwhelmed with it seems no matter how hard I try there always seem to be more i should have done, to further and extend what I try to achieve.

The common thought would be that you are thinking that I am talking about my studies, but for that point your only half right. For those who know me it is clearly obvious that I am a fat guy. And in the past couple of weeks I've rapidly changing what I eat in an attempt to reduce my weight and become more healthy in general. Heres is what I eat in my usual eating routine:

Breakfast- Coffee and and a banana
Recess- fruit juice
Lunch - Some healthy expensive bread roll/wrap
After school snack- Banana and maybe some sweets like ice cream if I have any.
Dinner- Usually rice and other stuff that goes with rice.
And on top of that I drink a lot of water now

Impressive I know, but as impressive as it seems the results aren't appearing. It's been like three to four weeks since I've been doing this routine and nothing! Why??? You can say " you haven't been trying hard enough Peter" and i would reply "But I did, I have been!".

I guess it is a bit early to expect such results, but I still hope for further improvements in the future. On that note it would probably be more effective if I exercised, but the epic fail attitude of "I can't be bothered" lingers around in my thoughts and therefore is not allowing me to do so.

So thats enough rambling from me. Year 12 is beginning to apply pressure on me and it doesn't ever seem to get easier. But on my quest to get an 85 i will persist and yeah lets hope its not an 85 kilos.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Orientated Family

This is an older blog that I wrote a while back and I wanted to bring it from myspace to hear because this is utterly important to myself. It is also a bit long so be warned. enjoy.


Blog about the important things in life

Family. The thing I dread the most but also need the most. Yes both are contradicting statements, but time and time again I fail to realise the importance of family. In this Blog I don’t want to be telling anyone what’s right or wrong, but rather just my side to this issue. The greatest issue of people disrespecting our parents. And I know I need to work on these things to because we are all culprits of this, sometimes with out realising it.

We all get into fights with our parents. They can be over anything from going out to much, spending too much time on the computer, boyfriend or girlfriend and even simple things like not doing our chores. Our main argument is "Mum/Dad you never understand me" or "you don’t know what its like" or even "I am old enough to make my own decisions". And as much as it seems that all they want to do is bring you down it is really the opposite. Because in actual fact the only reason they would ever some would say interfere with your life is because simply because they care and love you. Sure they might not understand your exact situation and sure they might over react a little, it doesn’t change the fact that they'd do anything to protect their kid. It's a parents duty to worry, because in the end all the ever do is care.

I remember when I was a kid I use to be the worst. I would always get into trouble and my parents would have my kneel down in the corner or hit me with a something. And I know for a fact in my mind I would be like "I hate you mum/dad". Why? Simple because they hit me. I didn’t understand in the heat of the moment why my parents hit me, which is because when we are young we are simple minded and fail to look at the bigger picture. Our parents don't enjoy punishing their kids. In fact they would rather avoid it. I mean who would seriously want to hit their own kids. There has to be more to it and there is. That’s because they are disciplining you so that in the future you would be a better person. The reason I brought this up is because for teenagers we don’t understand why parents don’t let us go out or do things that might be harmful to us. Likewise as a child we are simple minded and don’t see the bigger picture that it only benefits us. A parent punishing their kid brings them no benefit. They gain nothing except the heartache of hurting their child. As much as we believe they don’t understand it is in fact us that don’t understand. But like I now understand why my parents hit me with a chopstick, we will understand why our parents didn’t let us go to that party.

Don’t you hate it when your parents are right? We always go to them nah that wont happen to me. So they let us go on our merry way and we soon discover that oh crap they were right and then we have to up to them and apologise. Even if we already know they are right we continue to make our stance against them to some how manipulate words to make you sound right. Let me give you an example. Growing up I have always been eating junk food. My parents would be like hey don’t eat so much you'll get fat, but I was like Nah I'm fine don’t worry sif I’ll get fat. And look at me now. Oh crap if only I listened to my parents. I don’t understand it either but some how our parents always seem to be right. I guess we just have to learn to trust them because as much as they aren’t you, you aren’t them either (well you kind of are) and that’s exactly my point. You keep telling them they don't understand when you have no knowledge of what they apparently don’t know if you know what I mean. They just simply want to pass their experiences on to you so that maybe you wouldn't make the same mistake. It might be a different situation but it’s the same concept. Different, Differentbut the same.

The last thing I really dislike is how teenagers talk to their parents as if they are trash. I mean it might not necessarily be like fully swearing or abusing their parents, but more like just pushing them away in harsh tone of voice. As much as we might have a crap day or you might have bad relations with your parents, they still deserve to be respected. Besides they did bring you up as a child till where you are today. Parents are awesome. Some aren’t as lucky to have parents, and I guess it’s another reason to respect your parents because I would hate to regret not spending time with them when they are gone, because truth is they don’t last forever. It might seem like it’s always the same but one day they will be gone and the worst feeling is regretting after it’s too late. So yeh treat them with respect not only because they deserve it, but because you want to give it. After all they gave you everything you have.
