Monday, May 24, 2010


I never really had a goal or anything I really wanted to achieve anything. So this is my small attempt to really try to achieve something other than a pass in uni.

Firstly, I need to save up around five hundred dollars for hillsong, for accomodation and other expenses. Not so excited for it right now, probably because of homework and assesment I should be doing right now.

Second, I want to lose like 5-10 kilos, oddly just realising the fact that I've been eating junk almost everyday. Must not eat delicious chicken nugggets!

Third, save up some money so I can actually say I have a savings account. It's pretty shameful right now. I literally can't buy anything except for train tickets and food. Don't ask why.

Fourth, I've always wanted to buy a camera. Not really sure If I want to buy one since everyone is getting into photography. But I will never cease to appreciate the wonders of landscape, cityscape and architecture. Probably been done before, but I can still stare at it for hours just in amazement. Not in public, that's why if I had a camera I could preserve the moment and do it in my own comfort. So this is goal is to decide whether or not I want to buy a camera.

Fifth, I would like to be able to keep my room clean for a week. Sounds easy but as soon as laziness and apathy come into play, it aint a pretty picture. Ideally I'd try to keep it clean two or three days in a row. We'll see what happens.

Sixth, I want to start talking to the people I know I can trust. Simply earning trust by entrusting.

Seventh, Pray to God daily, Read my bible daily, and be happy that he's got my back all the way.

So there we have it seven goals. First seven I have ever put up for myself let's see what happens ideally I'd like to achieve everything by the end of the year. So for the people who still read my blog, I'll stay accountable to you. Thanks.

"If anyone could make me a better person you could, all I gotta say is I must have done something good" - Relient K


Sunday, May 16, 2010

I realise.

"Nothing I could can ever say, How much I love you."

Trust is earnt by entrusting. That's my life lesson.

"baby stepps" - Angeline Nguyen
