Friday, May 29, 2009

English SAC: Oral Presentation "Arson or Murder?"

This is my script for my oral presentation, sorry if there is minor grammar mistakes, wrote it at 130 am. Enough said time for bed. Enjoy


Over the last few months rural Victoria have experienced the worst bushfires ever. More commonly known as “Black Saturday” this natural disaster has brought about many controversies and issues. One of which is the topic of whether arsonist are murderers.
The definition of arson is “the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property”. Common logic would question, who on earth would do that for any good reason? Because clearly there isn’t. It is simply evil costly and causes no one any good ever. Now we when look at this in retrospect these arsonists are the cause of the loss of communities and homes, laying nothing but destruction.

Yes this is arson, but the fact is this foolish act has caused the death of peoples lives; over 200 people in fact along with hundreds of others injured physically and scarred psychologically all because of the heartless acts of arson. The moment that father died what was considered arson has just become the criminal act of murder.

The definition of murder is the “unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another”. As I’ve said in the definition of murder it is “premeditated”, and sure the arsonist may have never intended the death of so many people. But saying that “oh I didn’t know this wasn’t going to happen” is clearly not a good enough reason to justify these actions. If these ignorant human beings are going to argue that you didn’t intend that for people to die, then go tell that to those who have lost their families in these devastating blaze.

These criminals should be dealt with even harsher than they would in a murder case, considering the damaged caused to the community, properties, peoples psychological wellbeing and ultimately the death of Australians.

Sure they can argue that it was going to happen whether they lit that fire or not. And yes this may very well be true, but like any organised crime it’s not just the Mastermind that gets caught but everyone who contributed in some way. In the same way their actions may not have been substantial to the cause of the horrifying blaze, but in the end people are dead, and they have that on them for the rest of their lives with no one to blame but themselves

I believe that the Australian people have a right to know who these arsonists are. The identities of these people have been hidden to protect them from any harm. This idea has its merits, but considering the destruction they have caused, the word “rights” has been destroyed. They pretty much drew their own targets on their backs the moment that fire was lit. Some would argue that they are human beings, true but consider this no rational human being would ever do this and no one is so ignorant to not see the before and after of their actions.

After factoring in all these evil doings, it is clear to say that arsonist’s are murders the moment a person dies in those blazes. And if not a person they have killed the communities because of their actions. Considering things further we can conclude that in fact arson is worse than murder. Now lets all go home to our families, oh wait some don’t have that pleasure anymore, why? Because of those malignant arsonist.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Be yourself.

The short,
The sweet,
And the simple,
Quickly defined by the short mannerism implied the meaning of each of these statements.

Striving for love, acceptance and popularity the identity of ones self is quickly diminished as the sway of the lovers call or the approval of the group ultimately changed what was already beautiful. Only fix what is broken because if you fix what isn't broken covering up the natural cracks will only weigh you down. So don't change your amazing self for anyone, because if you ever did, no ones actually looking at you anymore.

"I like you for who they didn't make you" - Peter Do


Friday, May 22, 2009

Homework, SACs, Exams and all things good.

The year is 2009 and it always seems to be going so fast. Being me it is obvious that I just want all of this as soon as possible. The scary thought is that the sooner the end approaches, the sooner those final exams will arrive. The day that I finally have to encounter one of the hardest task's in my life is only but five or so months away. To further extend these exams pretty much determine what will happen with my life.

The thoughts "I can do it later" or "I can't be stuffed" are one of the major flaws in this generation that pollute the minds like poison, stopping them from achieving more in their lives. If we all decided to do things right away rather than leaving it for the night before it is due, it would clearly make a difference on our end results. More time to do things is clearly beneficial. Don't wonder why your so stressed if you had time to do it earlier.

The fall of disappointment always seems to be the main thing to bring us down. There are two reactions that regularly come up. The first is "Flip that was the hardest SAC ever, I hate this subject". This reaction would often cause the person to move into a depressed state causing to careless about the subject and further falling behind. (Doesn’t exactly like that, but generally you know what I mean). The second reaction would be this "Far out the teacher didn't show us how to do it, how Bull$%#! is that". The flaw is putting complete blame on the teacher. In some cases this may very well be true. But we all know clearly, who's fault it really is (Yours.)

School to some can be considered as fun, but to others it may just be something that they have to go through it getting whatever grade. The best way to succeed is to simply find something to inspire you. Whether it be a girl or guy, a career, for me it would be Jesus or you can even be motivated in just being the best for yourself. And when you do find that something that drives you, everything just becomes easier.

The best feeling is completing an assignment or an exam and knowing that you gave it your all. Because if a man gives his all, what more can you give? You don’t want to be the one saying you wish you could do better.

Anyway, regardless of how long you decide to procrastinate, Exams are approaching at a rapid rate, and the only way to make it through is to take it head on.

"You have a whole week, just sit down and plow through it" - Jon Tran

Monday, May 4, 2009

English SAC: Creative Piece

This is another draft of one of my English SAC's I will be writing in the near future, I only hope it would be as well written as it is here since I am not able to bring this draft in. Wish me luck and enjoy. Oh and also the Prompt for this piece is "I hated that place"

Edit: I don't actually hate this world, It is just that all the other prompts required me to watch a movie, so this was the easiest and most convenient.


My world is a simple place,
Full of life, vibrant and raging cars on the freeway.
Where synthetic faces are found in an abundance,
And superficial relationships with the word “I love you” counted more often than the air we breathe.
The modern day landscape is covered with tall sky scrapers towering like Everest,
And small parks conserving the past of the forgotten land.
The quiet oceans of people rushing in and out of shopping centres,
Finding something, anything to be fulfilled with a false sense of happiness.
Children crying out to their parents to update them with the latest game magazines,
And matured women scheduling their next beauty appointment in an attempt to find true beauty.
The routine of our humanity can be found anywhere and everywhere we look,
A student dropped of at school, a father going to work, a lover saying good bye.
The sound of music fills the breezy air as motor vehicles rush across what once a quiet street,
The orchestra of raging traffic found in the heart of Melbourne.
People screaming out loud trying to make their life pass by faster,
Trying to find a sense of worth within a dead world.
It all seems as though everything worked in perfect harmony just
Everything seems in perfect balance, the reality of a fake world,
If anything were to disturb the peace, it would simply be hung up and forgotten.
The voice of a child crying out for help, hopeless and lost,
The call of the distressed mother eagerly seeking Her child.
All of this just to bring it back to normal,
And what seemed to be the norm seems to be replica of a simply empty world.
It’s real, but it isn’t, and I can only say one thing,
I hated that place.