Monday, March 29, 2010

What to write.

A whole month, without hearing a thing. It's scary to not know what happened when the not so obvious disappearance of someone you know is left with no answers. It's like those moments where you are like "Oh yeah I wonder where (person) is". We would assume that the best feeling would be knowing that they are in ok, but the way it goes for me is more of an "oh cool(sarcastically)" kind of response. I guess it's because really everything just returns to normal and well normal does tend to get boring at times. Maybe I'm just a bit selfish who knows. We all want something different and fresh. I think I know where to find it, do you? Thrill seekers perhaps.

Eighteen is double of nine. Too imagine that only nine years ago I was in grade 3. My have I grown in both height and width. All the good times and the bad the journey of being an official adult awaits me. I'm not really that excited about it, nor do I really care. I learnt that numbers really mean nothing at all, without a context that is. Take for example the number "8", how can you describe it? Well you can't because apart from "8" being one more than "7" it means nothing at all. I see my age as a number, something that just happens. The only thing that really makes it special wasn't determined by me but by the fact that our government gives us more privileges at this age. Whatever.

I want Him to matter because only until he matters will they matter, and only until they matter will others matter, and only until others matter will she matter. What's the matter?

"I just wanna live"- Good Charlotte
